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Pilgrim Badges

Pilgrim badges were sold in the medieval period as souvenirs of pilgrimage. All of the badges below are accurate copies of surviving pewter artefacts. For information on the history of pilgrim badges please refer to the ‘History’ section of the website. Devotional badges are also included in this section.

P20-Saint Blaise
P20-Saint Blaise

P20-Saint Blaise

Saint Blaise was a Bishop in Asia Minor who was martyred in the 4th century. Before being killed he was tortured with an iron comb and subsequently he became the patron saint of wool-combers. Pilgrim badges relating to Saint Blaise usually show him holding his emblem of a comb. A shrine to Saint Blaise stood near to that of Saint Thomas Becket in Canterbury Cathedral and he was very popular with those seeking a cure for throat ailments.

The original of this simple little badge was found at the abandoned 15th century village of Walraversijde, near Ostend, Belgium.

Produced in association with the Provincie West-Vlaanderen / Institut voor het Archeologisch Patrimonium.

15th century.

17x29mm Standing Bishop with crosier and woolcomb.
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